Papers, Posters, Talks etc...
 | Journal paper |
 | Paper in Conference or Workshop Proceedings |
 | Abstract in Conference or Workshop Proceedings |
 | Conference or Workshop Poster |
 | Conference or Workshop Talk |
Using Transition Systems to Describe and Predict the Behaviour of Structured Excitable Media, Stevens W. M. (2012), Natural Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-012-9355-4 (Here is a link to the preprint of this paper)
Computing with Planar Toppling Domino Arrangements, Stevens W. M. (2012), Natural Computing, Vol 11, Issue 4, pages 665-672, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-012-9341-x
This is an extended version of the conference paper from 2011.
Time-dependent wave selection for information processing in excitable media, Stevens W. M., Adamatzky A, Jahan I, De Lacy Costello B (2012), Physical Review E 85, 066129 (2012) (Here is a link to the preprint of this paper)
Describes a way of constructing logic circuits in excitable media by selecting waves based on how long it takes them to propagate from place to place. An experimental implementation of a 4-bit integer square root circuit in a Belousov-Zhabotinsky excitable medium is described.
A self-replicating programmable constructor in a kinematic simulation environment, Stevens W. M. (2011)
Robotica, Cambridge University Press. DOI:10.1017/S0263574710000688
Describes the 'CBlocks3D' environment and a self-replicating programmable constructor in that environment.
Computing with Planar Toppling Domino Arrangements, Stevens W. M. (2011)
Book chapter, pages 224-233 in 'Unconventional Computation (2011) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science', Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-21341-0_25
Shows that any Boolean function can be implemented using a planar arrangements of dominoes - i.e. with no bridges for crossing one line of dominoes over another.
The longitudinal course of bipolar disorder as revealed through weekly text-messaging.,
Bopp J.M., Miklowitz D. J., Goodwin G. M., Stevens W., Rendell J. M., Geddes J. R. (2010). Bipolar Disorders Vol 12, pages 327-334.
My role in this work was the design and software implementation of a text-message based mood rating system.
Lithium plus valproate combination therapy versus monotherapy for relapse prevention in bipolar I disorder (BALANCE): a randomised open-label trial, The BALANCE investigators and collaborators (2010).
The Lancet, Vol 375, Issue 9712, pages 385-395
My role in this work was data management and software support for the last 3 years of the BALANCE clinical trial.
Adapting Gosper's Hashlife Algorithm for Kinematic Environments, Stevens W. M. (2010)
Published in the Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation (Luniver Press, Frome, UK), pages 75-91.
A Kinematic Turing Machine, Stevens W. M. (2009)
International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 2009, Vol 5, Issue 2, p145-163.
This is a modified version of the conference paper from 2007.
A kinematic model of a self-replicating programmable constructing machine, Stevens W. M. (2009)
In: ECAL 2009 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, Budapest, Hungary, 13th - 16th September, 2009.
Automated mood monitoring and reporting with a novel graphical method of displaying mood variation over time, Stevens W. M., Rendell J. M., Attenburrow M-J, Geddes J. R. (2009)
Poster presentation at 8th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder, Pittsburgh.
Abstracted in Bipolar Disorders, Vol 11, Supplement 1, 2009.
Parts closure in a kinematic self-replicating programmable constructor, Stevens W. M. (2009)
Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer Japan. DOI 10.1007/s10015-008-0618-1
Describes a part discriminating system in the 'CBlocks3D' environment.
Parts closure in a kinematic self-replicating programmable constructor, Stevens W. M. (2008)
Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB) 2008, Beppu, Japan
I won a young author award for this paper/talk.
Logic circuits in a system of repelling particles, Stevens W. M. (2008)
International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 2008, Vol 4, Issue 1, p61-77.
This is a modified version of the workshop paper from 2006.
Simulating Self-Replicating Machines, Stevens W. M. (2007)
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer Netherlands. DOI 10.1007/s10846-007-9132-2
Describes the 'CBlocks' environment, describes an SRM in the CBlocks environment and discusses issues related to simulating self-replicating machines.
Diagram of SRM for 'Simulating Self-Replicating Machines' paper.
A Kinematic Turing Machine, Stevens W. M. (2007)
Book chapter, pages 29-62 in 'Unconventional Computing 2007', Luniver Press, Frome UK.
Presented at Unconventional Computing 2007 in Bristol, UK.
Describes the operation of a Turing machine in a kinematic simulation environment.
Logic circuits in a system of repelling particles, Stevens W. M. (2006)
Book chapter, pages 157-182 in 'From Utopian to Genuine Unconventional Computers', Luniver Press, Frome UK.
Workshop presentation at the Unconventional Computing 2006 conference in York, UK.
Shows how logic circuits can be made in a very simple kinematic particle system.
Computation, Construction and Self-Replication, Stevens W. M. (2005)
SET for Europe Physics 2005 poster presentation, Houses of Parliament, London.
A programmable constructor in a kinematic environment, Stevens W. M. (2005)
Poster presentation at the Micro and Nanotechnology 2005 conference, London.
Nodes: An Environment for Simulating Self-Replicating Machines, Stevens W. M. (2004)
Published in the Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (MIT Press), pages 39-44.
Describes the 'Nodes' environment, and introduces an SRM constructed in the Nodes environment.